How To Make A Great Testimonial Video

Every business should be using testimonials as part as their marketing strategy. Beyond Google reviews and Facebook recommendations, video testimonials provide an opportunity to present your brand in the most engaging way possible.

Testimonial video production can be tricky if you are first starting with it. Testimonial videos are often too promotional or too forced. It’s important that the video be natural and flow.

In the above video, Rob shares three tips on how to create believable testimonial videos.

Video Transcript

Testimonials are an essential marketing component for every business. They establish trust and provide social proof that your customers need they need before making a purchase. Today, I’ll walk through what makes up an effective testimonial video, and give you some insight on how we create our testimonial videos.

The reason video testimonials are so effective, is because they allow the customer to sell your product and not you. Messaging like best product or best service… doesn’t hold much value if the business is the only one saying it. You need your customers to say it and getting on video is the best way to do it.

Here are the three key elements we make sure to have in each one of our testimonial videos.

Keep it about the customer. Yes, that may sound obvious… but it’s really easy for a testimonial video to be overly promotional. Ask them about their business, about themselves. That way, when they speak about your brand, it will come out naturally, and won’t feel forced. Hearing a customer’s story will resonate well with potential customers because they can visualize themselves using your product or service. Keeping it about the customer will keep it natural.

Nearly all products and services are designed to solve a problem is some shape or form. When creating a testimonial video, we make sure to addresses the pain points of the demographic Questions like: Why did you need this product or what frustrations did you have prior… resonate well with potential customers… because they are likely feeling the same way. By addressing pain points you’ll show how your product or service can solve their problem.

Along with hearing and seeing the customer speak, an effective testimonial will show the product in use by the customer, through b-roll. By incorporating in-use footage, you’ll directly tie the message to your product or service. And this helps visualize to new potential customers, how they might use your product.

When we create testimonial videos, we always make sure to have these three elements in it. Keeping it about the customer, addressing their pain points, and then showing the product or service in use… By doing this, we create believable testimonial videos that help grow your business.

I hope you found this information valuable. If you have any more questions about how we produce testimonial videos, or how your business can get started using them, please let us know.

Again, I’m Rob, and thanks for watching.

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